In a recent survey took place among older adults who get hospitalized.
The study showed that older adults experience new disabilities after hospitalization. Months after discharge most participants experienced health conditions that they did not experience. All the symptoms they feel were new. They experience the new condition months after returning home from the hospital.
The new disability and health problem usually disrupts their daily activities. The respondents who experience were unable to do simple activities they have done. The activities were taking a bath, dressing up, preparing their meal and driving. The condition also hindered them to drive a car or to go about doing simple everyday chores.

According to the latest health news, many families have reported this occurrence. Their new condition has prompted most families to bring them back to the hospital. Others also reported that they had to buy devices that could help them in their daily routine. Devices like an adjustable bed that can help them be more independent. These older adults found it difficult to get in and out of their former beds. The families who purchased the adjustable beds claimed that it helped them a lot.To know more about the benefits of adjustable beds check out this link:
It was easier for them to sleep by them selves. But, when the condition worsened they had to return them to the hospital. Some needed more care thus they had to bring them to a facility such as a nursing home. They observed that these seniors had a continuous decline in their health.
The study conducted had 515 respondents. Mostly aged 70 and above. All stayed at home before hospitalization and all were independent. They didn’t need help in going about with their daily routine. After 6 months the researchers followed up on them. All their condition when hospitalized did not need critical care. The study further showed that after months of their discharge new health problems occurred. These conditions had made them incapable of being independent and needed attention. Most of them could not do activities like dressing up, climbing the stairs, and taking their own medicine. The new disability also affected their motor skills.