Recently, another popular YouTube vlogger named Landon Clifford met his untimely demise at the age of 19, which his wife later revealed as a case of suicide. As the husband and wife team behind the YouTube vlog about teen marriage known as Cam and Fam, their 1.3 million subscribers were taken aback by the news of Landon’s sudden death.
In an emotional video, Camryn, Landon Clifford’s equally young wife felt it was her duty to let it be known that her husband suffered from mental illness for quite some time. Young Camryn admitted that she herself was going through a period of depression while carrying, and subsequently caring for her and Lan’s second child. That is why Landon did the right thing, by seeking help from a psychiatrist,
However, Camryn said the drugs prescribed as treatment for Landon’s mental anxieties were highly addictive, it subsequently led to her husband’s addiction and self-destruction. Although Camryn did not specify the brand, she described the medications prescribed in treating Landon’s ADHD and mental anxiety, as a lethal mixture of two highly addictive drugs that had sent her husband into a vicious cycle.
She said Landon simply fell into that endless hole where he took more than what was prescribed in order to constantly feel its effects on his body.
Last August 13, Camryn found her husband unconscious in their garage and was comatose for 6 days, until in August 19, Landon was declared by the hospital as brain dead. Nonetheless, prior to his death, Landon had signed up as an organ donor, agreeing to donate all his organs in the event of his death. Camryn said
”Landon donated everything because he cared about people and made sure that even in death, he can save as many people as possible.”
Revelations about Landon Clifford’s Death Draw Attention to the Threats of Highly Addictive Drugs
Apparently the experience of this young couple highlights the possibility that highly addictive opioid drugs are being prescribed for medical cases outside cancer treatment. That is considering that the Centers for Disease (CDC) had issued guidelines in 2016 for primary care physicians when prescribing opioids for chronic pain not related to active cancer treatment, end-of-life care and palliative care.
The fact that it became possible for Landon Clifford to receive highly addictive drugs for psychiatric treatment denotes that there is something amiss in our healthcare system. Moreover, since the prescribed drugs were apparently not effective and its availability to a patient under supposedly supervised treatment is questionable, the matter raises serious concerns. Especially now that many young Americans have been expressing bouts of depression and anxiety in their social media accounts.