On the Road: Scooter Safety Issues

With the growing world of technology, the rise of electric scooters also dominates every road across each city. Newest models are also attempting to use Wi-Fi to wirelessly transmit electricity to moving objects. However, this new and easy means of transportation comes with safety issues.

One major concern for example is a pedestrian on a scooter that was suddenly hit and killed in Ohio. Incident like this may call the attention of road law makers to prevent vehicular accidents involving the use of scooters.

Public areas where to use scooters:

No riding on sidewalks

In order to care for pedestrians, sidewalks riding using a scooter is not allowed. Not unless there is a local law that permits it.

Use only the bike lanes in riding a scooter

However, most people that ride the scooters may not pay much attention to these instructions. Safety concerns may be created by this for both the pedestrians and the driver.

Furthermore, the use of helmet of all users is very much encouraged. Always keep in mind that the main thing would always be prioritizing the safety of the rider.

Every time that you ride always remember to wear a helmet, even if it is a short ride.


Common Rules on Road Safety

1. Riders must at least 18 years old.
2. A valid driver’s license must be present.
3. Only one rider is permitted per scooter.
4. Traffic rules like street signs must be followed.
5. Be cautious at crosswalks.

Even though the rules seem to be common, safety concerns are always missing from most companies. Moreover, instructions prior to operating a scooter must be read. In case you feel that you are ready to be a responsible rider and want to purchase a new one check https://www.escooterstore.ie.

Common State Laws on the Road

1. Valid driver’s license and instruction permit are needed to be able to ride.
2. Always wear a helmet when riding regardless of the age.
3. Riding with a passenger is not allowed.
4. Do not ride and park on the sidewalk.
5. Riding at night is not allowed unless the scooter had proper lighting located in front and visible at the sides.
